About this website

Please use the menu bar above to read about me, services I offer, client's voices, and so on. What I made or repaired in the past are showcased in the blog entries. I believe in making quality handmade items, mending/repairing and upcycling/remaking previously loved fabric items as much as possible. (I'm sorry, but I no longer accept translation/interpreting orders from new clients.)

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Granny square blanket

I experiemented on connecting granny squares using some squares to make a cardigan, and the next was the turn for a blanket I have been preparing for. 

I used various leftover yarn or gifted/donated yarn from friends to make these flower granny squares, so there is no real coherency in them. However, I had more of some yarn than others, so there were some of the same ones, too. 

I had to put them all on the floor and decide which square goes where. This process took a while. I thought I was putting them randomly, but the same ones might show up next to each other, and so on. So, I had to keep on moving them around. 

I searched the great internet web and I found so many different ways to connect the squares. I saw some negative aspects of the connecting method I used for the cardigan, and I decided on using a chain stitch on the right side of the fabric this time. 

This is not a large blanket. I just wanted it to cover the top of the comforter for extra warmth on cold nights below -20 degrees Celsius. (The central heating is functioning over night, too, but my thermostat is set to a lower temperature during the night. Somehow on really cold nights, it still feels chilly.) 

I find making granny squares very relaxing - I would make some bits here and there in between my chores. I had a lot of great yarn given to me by friends. The yarn is almost all wool, alpaca, etc. In other words, very nice, warm yarn. The blanket provides me with that extra warmth over night, and my cat approves of it as well. 

For me, putting them all together was the part that tested my patience. It took me Monday to Friday last week to finish it all, and my hands and wrists were getting a bit sore towards the end of the process. 

In the end, it took me three months to finish the cardigan and the blanket. I hardly sewed anything for myself during those three months. Now it's time to sew myself something. 

* I cannot offer custom orders for crochet and knitting because I am too much of a beginner.