About this website

Please use the menu bar above to read about me, services I offer, client's voices, and so on. What I made or repaired in the past are showcased in the blog entries. I believe in making quality handmade items, mending/repairing and upcycling/remaking previously loved fabric items as much as possible. (I'm sorry, but I no longer accept translation/interpreting orders from new clients.)

Monday, September 2, 2024

Women's pant pockets

Have you noticed how ridiculously small women's pant pockets are? I had these two pairs of jeans that I rarely wore. I bought them years ago, but I just never really wore them much. 

One of the reasons is that the pockets are too small and impractical. They spend the time and effort to make the pocket structure, but they keep the inside so shallow. This is a view from inside. 

This needs to be remedied. We women do carry things, too, especially our phones. 

I decided on the size of the pocket and added an extension to each pocket. 

Now, the pockets are large enough to carry my phone, wallet, keys, etc. When I make my own pairs of pants, I always install full-sized pockets.