About this website

Please use the menu bar above to read about me, services I offer, client's voices, and so on. What I made or repaired in the past are showcased in the blog entries. I believe in making quality handmade items, mending/repairing and upcycling/remaking previously loved fabric items as much as possible. (I'm sorry, but I no longer accept translation/interpreting orders from new clients.)

Monday, August 5, 2024

Wraparound apron

This is an apron I made for myself a while back. I love this style of pull-on apron because I can just put it over my head, and I'm ready. I don't have to tie anything behind my back. This is made with Simplicity 7481 apron pattern. 

The pocket has access to the inside from the sides so that I don't drop any food bits into my pockets without knowing. 

The back view of the apron. It crosses in the back.