About this website

Please use the menu bar above to read about me, services I offer, client's voices, and so on. What I made or repaired in the past are showcased in the blog entries. I believe in making quality handmade items, mending/repairing and upcycling/remaking previously loved fabric items as much as possible. (I'm sorry, but I no longer accept translation/interpreting orders from new clients.)

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Hat with a wide brim

I made a wide brimmed hat a little while ago. I wanted something that really shades my face area when I am outside, especially when I go to a farmers market because it's often outside. 

This is one side, and the fabric is called farmers market, so I thought it was cute to use it on one side. It is a 100 % cotton quilting fabric. 

The other side is a linen and cotton blend fabric which was an end of the roll remnant that the store cut into about a size of a fat quarter to sell off. The fabric size was just right to make this hat. I like a reversible hat. It feels like I have two hats while I actually only have one. 

As both cotton and linen shrink when you wash it, so I prewashed it. However, even after the second wash, it shrunk a tiny bit, and now it is a very snug hat that will not blow off even by a moderate-strength wind.