About this website

Please use the menu bar above to read about me, services I offer, client's voices, and so on. What I made or repaired in the past are showcased in the blog entries. I believe in making quality handmade items, mending/repairing and upcycling/remaking previously loved fabric items as much as possible. (I'm sorry, but I no longer accept translation/interpreting orders from new clients.)

Monday, August 12, 2024

Ainu embroidery

Sometimes, I like to try stitching some things by hand. It is a very relaxing time, and I like it. This motif is by Ainu people, an indigenous people in northern Japan and other parts of Russia. 

I grew up in Hokkaido, and I would see Ainu art like embroidery, appliquéd clothing, and curved wood figurines. They are all beautiful. 

I wanted to try putting this motif on a mask I made for my friend during the COVID time. It still looks rudimentary, but if I practiced more, maybe I can get better at it.