About this website

Please use the menu bar above to read about me, services I offer, client's voices, and so on. What I made or repaired in the past are showcased in the blog entries. I believe in making quality handmade items, mending/repairing and upcycling/remaking previously loved fabric items as much as possible. (I'm sorry, but I no longer accept translation/interpreting orders from new clients.)

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Brush roll

I made a brush roll for an artist. She gave me the measurements for her brushes and how many brushes she has. 

 I didn't fill the brush roll completely, but you get the idea. 

The inside liner is a heavy cotton canvas, and the outer fabric is a patchwork with cotton quilting fabric. When you roll it up, you fold down the upper flap, roll it and tie in the middle.